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The Halo of Burning Wings

105:22Under the Pagan Hammer: A Warmarch for the Fall of Christianity
205:11Annointed in Flames: A Song on the Nature of Sacrifice and the Deception of One Man
304:00Red Moon - Black Magic: A Tale of an Ill Fate Befalling a Small Village When the Red Moon Rise
405:03Black Riders: Riders of the Apocalypse Come to Raise Hell in Your Town
504:02Baptized in Goat Blood: Utter Blasphemy Heralds the Birth of the Antichrist
605:27Tomb of the Black Witch: The Witch Shall Rise From Her Tomb, and Doom Shall Come to Her Killers
703:13Oldschool War: A Hymn to Oldschool Metal and to the Death of Synth-Goth Metal
804:17Castle of the Tyrant: The Tale of an Old Sadist and His Hellish Castle
905:17Return to the Castle: From Beyond the Centuries, the Tyrant Rise Again
1002:14The Halo of Burning Wings: Surrounded by a Blinding Light, a Tormented Spirit Wanders a Desolate Landscape