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The Great Speeches, Volume I

120:047/17/1980, Detroit, Nomination Acceptance Speech
203:551/20/1981, DC, First Inaugural Address
303:314/28/1981, DC, Joint Session of Congress
405:421/27/1982, DC, State of the Union Address
506:033/8/1983, Orlando, National Association of Evangelicals
606:008/23/1984, Dallas, 2nd Nomination Acceptance Speech
704:5610/24/1983, New York City, U.N. 40th Anniversary
802:006/12/1987, Berlin, Berlin Wall
905:357/3/1987, DC, Fourth of July Address
1006:321/25/1988, DC Final State of the Union Address
1110:348/15/1988, New Orleans, Farewell Address