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The Gardens Of Bomarzo

103:01Maker Of Gods And Men - Jupiter Ammon
203:40A Single Feather Fell To Earth - Pegasus
304:15Subterranean Queen - Proserpina
405:28Mover Of The Earth And Fruitless Sea - Neptune
504:05We Will Either Find A Way, Or Make One - Hannibal's Elephant
604:32Between Virtue And Vice - The Dragon
704:07From Every Dark Thought - Nymphaeum
804:07Her Gift Of Desire - Venus
904:08To Bless The Land - Ceres
1003:06With A Venemous Dark Rage - Hercules And Cacus
1104:48Abandon All Thought - The Mouth Of Hell
1207:25Only To Unburden The Heart - The Theatre
1303:55Seven Wonders Of The World - Left Sphinx
1407:20I Am No Monster - Glaucus
1503:44A Beast Cruel And Monstrous - Cerberus
1602:34Fierce And Loathsome - Echidna And Harpy
1701:42Which Was Never Empty - Kantharos
1807:13She Lay In Silence - The Nymph
1905:32The Fate Of War Hung In The Balance - The Tortoise And The Whale
2003:15You Who Wander The World - Etruscan Bench
2104:21Symbol Of Her Constancy - The Temple
2203:22As Trickery Or As Art - Right Sphinx