album jeux videos

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The Forest Is Crying (Lament for Indje Voivode)

jeux videos - The Forest Is Crying (Lament for Indje Voivode)
103:55Zaplakala e gorata
202:07Sedyanklata Ye Na Razvala (The Working-Bee Is Over)
303:15Sluntseto Trepti Zauda (The Sun Is Setting)
402:36Oi Matze, Matze
502:15Prochula Se Moma Nedelya (The Renown of Beautiful Nedelya)
601:08More, Zazheni Se Gyuro (Gyuro Is Getting Married)
704:01Mari Tudoro
802:01Pozaspa li, yagodo
901:53Raditze Le
1003:59Oi Yano Yanke
1103:31Az Ti Postulam Shareni Chergi (I Am Laying Out the Tapestries for You)
1201:41Taz Vecher Ne Mii Vesselo (I Am Sad This Evening)
1301:11Ozdole Ide Devoiche (A Young Girl Is Coming)
1404:08Sluntse Zaide (At Sunset)
1501:24Snoshti Sem Ninal, Kuzum Elenke
1602:32Pilentse Pei (A Bird Is Singing)
1702:32Vuv Pirina (In the Pirrin Mountains)
1802:27Melai Doina (Little Doina)