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The Book of Transfigurations

102:37Ej, na tej skale vysokej / Seven Pairs of Eagles
203:05Dyby ?a moja mam?nka stara / Grass
304:15Dy? sem j ?el pres hory / The Rocks Began to Crumble
404:47Co ste si mami?ko za d?m stavjat dali / Iron Bars, Iron Lock
505:43Vylet?la holubi?ka / The Bloody Wall
604:47Sem chaso sp?chajte / You Used to Look Like a Lion
702:04P?ed Na?m Je Zahrde?ka / Red Violet
802:55Studen rosenka / Souling
904:00Na strznickm rynku / War
1003:16Vydala mti / Mother Gave Away Her Daughter
1105:19Okolo Hradi??a vod?nka te?e / He's Bringing Something for Me
1202:29Fa?anku / Carnival
1302:26Psl Jano kon? / Sell Us Your Shirt