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The Blue Bottle

105:05Reels: Pigeon on the Gate / Rakish Paddy / The Rising Sun
204:56Song, Valzer: The Banks of Kilrea / Far Away From You
304:21Jigs: The Killavil / Gan Ainm / Gan Ainm
403:36Air: The Bright Hollow Fog
503:49Song: The Only One
604:59Reels: The Green Fields of Rossbeigh / Castle Mahon Lasses / Drag Her Along the Road / Dick Gossip
704:27Jig: The Rose in the Heather / The Miner's / Brian O'Limm / Willy Coleman
806:49Slow Reel: Kitty Jones / The Blue Bottle
902:50Reels: Paddy's Trip to Scotland / Man of the House / Galway Rambler
1003:36Song: Dark-Eyed Sailor
1108:02Hornpipes, Reels: The CooCoo's Nest / Her Golden Hair Hanging Down Her Back / Mary McNamara's / The Hunter's Purse / Farewell to Ireland