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The Battle of Killiecrankie

jeux videos - The Battle of Killiecrankie
102:31Scots Wha Hae Wi' Wallace Bled
203:15Songs of Love: Bonny Barbry O
303:19Songs of Love: Leezie Lindsay
403:52Songs of Love: Lumps o' Puddin / Jenny Nettles
505:06Songs of Love: Sonata on "Bonny Jean of Aberdeen"
601:44Songs of Love: How Sweet Is the Scene
702:24Songs of Love: O Luve Will Venture In
802:09Songs of Love: My Nanny-O
901:01Songs of Love: Giga (Allegro) (Sonata on "Bonny Jean of Aberdeen")
1002:26Songs of Love: I Love My Love in Secret
1102:16Songs of Love: Ae Fond Kiss
1210:28War: A Highland Battle
1305:44War: The Massacre of Glencoe
1402:33Laments: The Torment
1503:15Laments: The Chevalier's Lament
1607:29Laments: Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of His Second Wife / The Lowland of Holland
1700:51Return From War: Welcome Home My Dearie
1802:13Return From War: The Braes O' Killiecrankie