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102:08Megaman 2: Flashman
201:45Double Dragon 2: Stage 2
302:19Goonies 2
401:45Bubble Bobble
500:32Bubble Bobble: Shark Skeleton
601:09Wizards and Warriors: Intro
702:29Bomberman 2
801:08Bionic Commando: P.O.W. Camp
900:37Super Mario Bros. 2: Underworld
1001:41Super Mario Bros. 2: Overworld
1101:10Contra: Snowfields
1201:08Zelda: Fortress
1302:36Batman 2
1402:00Megaman 3: Dr. Wiley Stage
1501:59Double Dragon 2: Story and Boss Music
1602:04Castlevania 3: Epitaph
1701:51Ninja Gaiden: Mine Shaft
1800:55Mario 3: Underworld
1901:04Blastermaster: Stage 2
2000:04Ghosts 'n' Goblins: Intro
2101:07Ghosts 'n' Goblins
2202:13Castlevania: Stage 3
2301:22Marble Madness