album jeux videos

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Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major / Symphony in A major / The Carnival of the Animals

108:35Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major, op. 2: Adagio ? Allegro
204:48Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major, op. 2: Marche-Scherzo: Allegretto scherzando
312:40Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major, op. 2: Adagio
407:07Symphony no. 1 in E-flat major, op. 2: Finale: Allegro maestoso
502:04Le carnaval des animaux: Introduction et marche royale du lion
600:47Le carnaval des animaux: Poules et coqs
700:41Le carnaval des animaux: Hémiones (animaux veloces)
802:33Le carnaval des animaux: Tortues
901:25Le carnaval des animaux: L'éléphant
1000:55Le carnaval des animaux: Kangourous
1102:26Le carnaval des animaux: Aquarium
1200:53Le carnaval des animaux: Personnages à longues oreilles
1302:28Le carnaval des animaux: Le coucou au fond des bois
1401:15Le carnaval des animaux: Volière
1501:00Le carnaval des animaux: Pianistes
1601:16Le carnaval des animaux: Fossiles
1703:31Le carnaval des animaux: Le cygne
1801:49Le carnaval des animaux: Final
1907:32Symphony in A major: Poco adagio ? Allegro vivace
2010:14Symphony in A major: Larghetto
2102:45Symphony in A major: Scherzo: Allegro vivace ? Trio
2205:09Symphony in A major: Finale: Allegro molto ? Presto