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Songs Kids Love to Sing: Toddler Songs

101:45Train Is A-Coming
201:53Roll Over
301:36Mince Pie or Pudding
400:52The Barnyard Medley: The Farmer in the Dell
500:42The Barnyard Medley: Barnyard Family
600:52The Barnyard Medley: Six Little Ducks
701:05The Barnyard Medley: Bingo
802:49Hokey Pokey
901:19The Alphabet Song (A-B-C-D-E-F-G)
1002:02Say To The Lord I Love You
1101:51Are You Sleeping?
1201:12Little Prayer Song
1301:31The Wheels On The Bus
1401:06The Favorites Medley: Itsy Bitsy Spider
1501:17The Favorites Medley: This Old Man
1600:49The Favorites Medley: It's Raining, It's Pouring
1701:18The Favorites Medley: Ring Around the Rosey
1802:00I Love The Circus
1901:38Deep And Wide
2001:28Brush Your Teeth
2101:34The More We Get Together
2201:35Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me
2301:21Do Your Ears Hang Low?
2401:23London Bridge
2501:39Father We Thank Thee (Morning Hymn)