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Some Places Are Forever Afternoon

jeux videos - Some Places Are Forever Afternoon
103:39Money or a story (The Milltown Union Bar)
204:26those who remain are the worst (Three Stops to Ten Sleep)
304:47you drink until you are mayor (Dixon)
403:45Nothing dies as slowly as a scene (Death of the Kapowsin Tavern)
505:10all weather is yours no matter how vulgar? (Fairfield)
605:59the beautiful wives (Missoula Softball Tournament)
702:24for Jim and Lois Welch (Cataldo Mission)
805:23in some other home (The Only Bar in Dixon)
910:31The car that brought you here still runs (Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg)
1003:31last place there (for Richard Hugo)
1104:20You must have stayed hours (Driving Montana)
1204:13Some places are forever afternoon (West Marginal Way)