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Sitting Still Like a Frog

109:01Sitting Still Like a Frog (basic meditation for kids age 7-12)
204:00The Little Frog (basic meditation for kids age 5-12)
309:17Attention to the Breath (directing and shifting your attention)
405:56The Spaghetti Test (relaxation for kids age 5-12 and older)
503:33The Pause Button (how not to react automatically)
606:04First Aid for Unpleasant Feelings
705:22A Safe Place (visualisation for kids of all ages)
805:05The Conveyor Belt of Worries (when the thoughts won't stop churning)
903:32A Little Boost (when things are looking down)
1004:24The Secret of the Heart Chamber (practicing kindness)
1105:26Sleep Tight