album jeux videos

les albums de jeux videos

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Sing, Gypsy!

102:50a) Don't be angry (Nye Serdis); b) Gypsies (Tsyganochki)
201:45Karapet (Russian Two-Step)
303:15The gate (Kalitka)
402:20Love Has Passed (Lyubov Proshla)
503:30Candies and Pretzels (Konfetki-Baranochki)
601:35Farewell, Gypsy camp (Proshchai Moy Tabor)
703:03All that Has Been (Vsyo chto bylo)
805:35Kazbek: a) Kazbek; b) Allah Verde; c) Shamil's Prayer and Lezginka
901:45The flowers Are Lovely in the Spring (Khoroshi Vesnoi V Sadu Tsvetochki)
1002:15Stenka razin
1103:05He Went Away (On Uyekhal)
1203:20In the Forest at the Front (V Lyesu Prifrontovom)
1303:45Autumn (Osyen)
1404:15Medley of old Russian songs: a) Where Is the Street (Gde Eta Ulitsa, Gde Etot Dom); b) Snow Flurries (Metelitsa); Dark Night (Nochka Tyemnaya)
1502:55Sing, Gypsies (Poite tsyganye)
1604:25a) Red bricks (Kirpichki); b) Street lights (Fonariki)
1703:00The Cornflowers (Vasilyochki)
1803:00Two Russian tangos: a) Oh, Those Dark Eyes (Akh, Eti Chorniye Glaza); b) My Heart (Serdtse)
1902:35Bows and Ribbons (Chastushki) (Bantiki)
2003:05Days of Our Life (Dni Nashey Zhizni)
2104:50a) By the Fireplace (U kamina); b) Why Fall in Love (Zachem Bylo Vlyublyatsa)
2201:35Snowstorm (Buran)