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Silent Temple

103:23Four Movements for Piano Trio: I. ?=54
202:17Four Movements for Piano Trio: II. ?=66
302:43Four Movements for Piano Trio: III. ?=112
404:27Four Movements for Piano Trio: IV. ?=66
519:11String Quartet no. 3
601:48Three Songs for Pipa and Violoncello: 1. Season
703:16Three Songs for Pipa and Violoncello: 2. Little Cabbage
804:20Three Songs for Pipa and Violoncello: 3. Tibetan Dance
903:04String Quartet no. 4 "Silent Temple": I.
1003:33String Quartet no. 4 "Silent Temple": II.
1102:40String Quartet no. 4 "Silent Temple": III.
1205:00String Quartet no. 4 "Silent Temple": IV.