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Shit Autopsy

102:11Pungent Stench
201:06Mouth Full of Vomit
301:07To Come'n Shit'n Wipe'n Leave
402:10A Shit Nailed to the Wall
501:35Disgorging Foetus
600:23I'm Gonna Vomit
702:09I Want My Name to Be a Rectum, I Would Be Your Best Friend in Return
801:46Dark Side of the Ass
901:28Shit Autopsy
1000:51Exploding Ass
1101:57One Half Does Not Jabber
1202:38Room No. 207
1301:01Fuck! Shit! Cunt! Bitch!
1401:59And the Ass Has Closed
1500:14Turbo Anal Motocross
1603:10Eaten Alive