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Shatter the Calm

104:22Sliabh Russel / Peter Barnes / Indian Summer
204:15The Eagle's Whistle / Stenson's #2 / The Earl's Chair
304:51Midnight on the Water / Whiskey Before Breakfast
402:53The Hearty Boys of Ballymote / Dan Collins' Father's Jig / Con Cassidy's
502:57The Finnish Polka / O'Keefe's / Matthew's Polka
604:13The Battle March Medley
702:49Stirling Castle / The Shetland Fiddler
803:46Jackson's Morning Brush / I Buried My Wife and Danced on Top of Her
902:47The Hanged Man's Reel
1002:42Shatter the Calm: Let Down the Blade / Kiely's Slide
1103:47Three Donegal Mazurkas
1203:51The Mason's Apron / Tam Lin / The Banjo Reel
1303:22Aires de Pontevedra
1403:44Shanne Bradley