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Sail The World

102:32Opening Theme
202:45Fast Work
302:09Dark Seas
403:19Cool Sailing
503:42Wildlife Choir
605:15I Wish This Would Never End
702:20Salsa I
802:46Roaring Forties
903:27Lonely Whales
1102:48Majestic Whales
1203:05In the Southern Ocean
1302:16The Fremantle Doctor
1401:29Long Way From Home
1503:22Wildlife Flotilla
1603:04Big Combers
1703:19Cool Sailing II
1801:37Cape Horn
1902:25Amongst Mythical Birds
2002:20Salsa II
2102:56Into the Tropics
2202:25In the Doldrums
2303:26Heading for Home & Victory