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S POWER LIVE 27.4.14

103:01Gerry Duffy's / Low Midge Tally
204:48Blue Lagoon - Blair and the Hurricane / Pitlochry High School Centenary / The Blue Lagoon / The Electric Pumpkin
304:36MSR - The Royal Scottish Pipers Society / The Bob of Fettercairn / Loch Carron
408:03QE2 - Queen Elizabeth II Salute
503:01The Kitchen Piper - From Maui to Kona / The Kitchen Piper
603:54Back on Track - Back on Track
704:35Donald MacLean - Michael MacDonald's Jig / Donald MacLean / Chloe's Passion / The Foot Tapper
807:35Power Gavotte - Power Gavotte
903:05Schoolhouse Reels - Covered in Soot / The School House / The Country Girl and the Hungarian Fiddler
1008:48A Flame of Wrath -- Neil (Tetris) Johnston / The Shaggy Grey Buck / A Flame of Wrath for Patrick Caogach / Struan Robertson / An t-Seann Cailleach / Kennedy's Favourite / A Flame of Wrath for Patrick Caogach