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Re-Elect the Moon

102:16Times Are Right
202:02Song for Kelsi
303:36These Days
403:31Joshua Tree
502:58Scarborough Faire
602:09Roosevelt Is Dead
704:10Onion Field
802:49Tabhair Dom Do Lamh
901:49Kelsi II
1002:32Where in the Night
1101:58Van the Man
1201:21Coinleach an Glas Fromhair
1301:26Ode to Twinkle
1405:04Purple Night
1501:06Lord of the Dance
1602:26Broken Angels
1701:57New World Variations
1802:28Boogens (Kelsi VI)
1903:00A Date on the Wall
2002:52Don't Walk on the Glass
2101:33Amazing Grace
2306:27Kelsi IV-V
2404:36Re-Elect the Moon
2501:33Times Are Right, Part II