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R.R. 4

102:46Soul Taxi
201:12Gutter at the End of the Rainbow
300:37Bubble Gum Chew Two
401:06Introducing Jackal Cat
600:54The Priest Spoke in Tongues
700:54And What Word Did You Take Issue With Your Honor?
800:59The Holes in My Brain
900:26My Drunken Heart
1000:37You Are Just Dreaming
1100:42Milky Mountain Morning
1200:43Yesterday, the Bird I Had as a Pet Died
1300:37Sometimes, I Think About Dying
1400:42Future Future Past Past Future Past
1501:39Spandex Dancer
1600:30Quiet Storm Between 4:30 and 5:00
1701:43Sand Betwixt My Toes
1800:28This is a Warning
1900:52I Want to Go Back to Being a Caterpillar
2001:06Hot Mom