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Precious Memories

102:52Precious Memories
202:05O Think of the Home Over There
301:46The Great Physician
402:10Beneath the Cross of Jesus
501:47When the Roll is Called Up Yonder
602:45Farther Along
704:04Medley: Just as I Am, Have Thine Own Way, Lord, My Faith Looks Up to Thee
801:57Where He Leads I'll Follow
902:09I Gave My Life for Thee
1002:29Send the Light
1102:05Yes, for Me He Careth
1203:05Jesus, Rose of Sharon
1302:02Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
1402:46My Jesus, I Love Thee
1502:06Softly and Tenderly
1602:03Take Time to be Holy
1702:48Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer
1801:55Just a Few More Days
1902:39We Shall See the King Some Day
2002:00I Love Thy Kingdom Lord
2102:01Guide Me, Oh Though Great Jehovah
2201:52Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
2301:56Rock of Ages
2401:58Take the Name of Jesus With You
2501:57Now the Day is Over