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Peaceful Days

103:30Corridors of Time (from Chrono Trigger)
202:54Tifa's Theme (from Final Fantasy VII)
303:17The Riverlands (from Octopath Traveler)
404:28Rito Village (from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
503:21Over the Hill (from Final Fantasy IX)
602:59Elysium in the Dream (from Xenoblade Chronicles 2)
703:17Shore of Dreams (from Chrono Cross)
802:34Balamb Garden (from Final Fantasy VIII)oui
902:44Intangible Treasure (from Xenogears)
1002:38Ordon Village (from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
1103:18Kids Run Through the City (from Final Fantasy VI)
1202:40Under a Hollow Moon (from Bravely Default)
1303:15Lazy Afternoons (from Kingdom Hearts II)
1402:20Peaceful Days (from Chrono Trigger)
1502:52Fisherman's Horizon (from Final Fantasy VIII)oui