album jeux videos

les albums de jeux videos

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Oriental Caravan - Exotic Melodies of the Middle East

100:00Handkerchief Dance (Hizzi Hizzi)
200:00Laura's Love (Ya Laure Houbbouki)
300:00Come, My Shepher (Hawel Ya Ghannem)
400:00Indian Taffeta (Tafta Hindi)
500:00Sunrise (Tolhet Ya Mahla)
600:00My Darling (Ala Dal Ona)
700:00Beautiful One (Zeina)
800:00The Girls Of Alexandria (Banat Iskandaria)
900:00Forlorne Girl (Wafani)
1000:00The Beautiful Bedouin Girl (Yam El Abaya)
1100:00My Little Gazelle (Ya Ghozayel)
1200:00She Walks Gracefully (Ala Mahlek)
1300:00I Await Your Visit (Zourouni)
1400:00My Beautiful Beloved (Ah Ya Zein)