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Mutated Cadaver Harvest

101:41Blood Drops Form a Hideous Constellation
200:54Goblins Cadavers
301:37Mouthful of Zombie Rot
402:02They Live In the Woods
501:34Emo Fanboy Massacre
600:51I Reek of Pukerefaction
701:12Roasting Yuppie Meat
802:36From Venomous Arteries Leak Demonic Essence
901:59Teeth Tearing Tissue (of Your Stupid Face)
1000:57The First Sensual Autopsy
1101:41Repulsive Reincarnation
1202:05Black Eruption from Deep Incisions
1301:22Stepping Wistfully Through Death's Door
1401:04Your Death Is Squishy and Full of Maggoty Goodness
1501:25Get Ready to Feel Liquified
1600:57Dark Slime That Engulfs Humankind
1700:57Save the Teeth and Finger Bones
1801:19The Cemetery Is Open for Business