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Musical Mystery Tour: Snowmen And Kings

103:36The Snowman's Song
203:13The Story of the Australian Father Christmas
303:26I Saw Three Ships
403:14When The Snow Falls Softly Down
500:48Sketch: Hilary feeds Puss
603:06Shipwreck On Hawaii
700:28Sketch: Hilary waters the plants
802:48Crazy Lazy Daisy
901:31The Turkish Toetapper
1003:46Clickety Clack
1100:55Sketch: The trainspotter!
1203:29Under The Old Oak Tree
1301:03Sketch: Mrs Tucker's horse
1401:52Flop-eared Mule
1500:26Sketch: Dan gets his present
1602:40Old Dan Tucker's Last Ride
1700:15Sketch: Dan loses his teeth
1802:40King Wastelot and the right Royal Rubbish Dump
1902:33A Magpie Sitting On A Broken Chair