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Musical Mystery Tour: Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

100:27Sketch: the turkeys invade
202:26The Sailor's Hornpipe
303:16The Parrot Song
402:17The House Next Door
501:40The Hen's March
600:19Sketch: the turkeys are back!
703:05It Ain't Gonna Rain No More
802:50Herring's Head
902:24Sally Ann Johnson
1002:57The Fire Brigade
1104:40I like To Eat
1200:30Sketch: two cunning turkeys
1302:11The Fat Fat Farmer
1403:13Clucking In Henhouse
1502:32Lime Rock
1602:47The Bucking Mule
1703:13Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!