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Men of Dharamsala

109:09Chinbep puja (Blessing of the Environment)
203:15Great Eastern Sun (Tibetan nomad song, Amdo)
304:04Gyalue Namthar and Ringa (stage purification dance)
404:14Rangyul Rangla Mayna
505:29Rime Soldep (Four Lineages Puja)
602:11Nangsa Woebum
703:48Zandang Palri (from the Great Prayer Festival, Monlam)
1001:52Losar Puja (prayer for the New Year)
1102:53Homage to the Lama (Amdo folk song)
1206:52Tashi Shoelpa
1301:04Drowa Sangmo: Dopoe Namthar
1401:32Prince Norsang: Norsang Yab Ki Namthar
1501:17Gyalue Namthar (stage purification dance)
1603:19Gyun, Chak Sumpa (Refuge Puja)
1703:26Amdo Glory (Tibetan nomad song)
1802:02Tibetan Long Horns