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Mary Crowell's Patreon: Year Two

104:32Mama's Dice Lament (Patreon 2016)
203:04My Baby's No Bourbon on the Rocks (Patreon 2016)
304:21Cat People and Dog People (Patreon 2016)
404:47Magnus Retail (GAFilk 2002)
504:55Demon Blues (GAFilk 2002)
603:23Ravens (Live at GAFilk 2002)
705:24Good Man Go Bad (GAFilk 2002)
804:12Bad Man Go Good (GAFilk 2002)
903:42When I Grow Up (GAFilk 2002)
1006:04Captain of the Guard (GAFilk 2002)
1103:48The Sun Beats Down
1202:52When You're Going to Solla Sollew
1304:38Sister Jane's Rambler (Patreon 2016)
1404:19Keep Your Christmas Out of October (Patreon 2016)
1502:24Dancing in my Kitchen (Patreon 2016)
1603:35Deathstar Chris (Patreon 2017)
1703:26You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Hungry (Patreon 2017)
1803:26November Meditations in Tennessee (Patreon 2017)
1905:20The Tiniest Bit of the Powder (Patreon 2017)
2005:05Princess Rhonda Green (Patreon 2017)
2101:10Mr. Spock's Neighborhood (for DragonCon TV)