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Mantovani Today / Musical Moments With Mantovani

103:05Midnight Cowboy
202:04Up, Up, and Away
303:29I'll Never Fall in Love Again
402:39Blowin' in the Wind
503:12Deserted Shore
602:38Without Love (There Is Nothing)
703:26Everybody's Talkin'
803:07Lemon Tree
902:23Good Morning Starshine
1003:13Leaving on a Jet Plane
1102:28Wand'ring Star
1203:05Love Is All
1302:45And I Love You So
1504:36La Chanson de Maria
1603:51For All We Know
1702:26Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree
1803:52It's Diff'rent Now
1902:38Say, Has Anybody Seen My Sweet Gypsy Rose?
2003:03Our Last Affair
2103:05Elizabethan Serenade
2303:30Dear Father