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Magic of Celtic Rings

101:58Sean Mhici/Padraig Ó Caoimy
201:47Tabhar Dom Do Lama
300:00Lucy Connors
403:06Cucanandy/The Jug of Brown Ale
501:52Ta'Me Mo Shui
600:00The Four Poster Bed/Coloney Rodney/The Mason's Apron
700:00Sally's Gardens
800:00Mandolin and Guitar Talking
902:42Waltz for Susanne
1001:42Let's Seek the Bow'r
1100:00The Fairy Queen
1200:00Antrim Walz
1301:59The Four Shoyes
1403:03Against the Wind
1500:00The Sailor/The Belfast Hornpipe
1600:00Jim Keffe's/The New Market
1700:00Planxty Irwin
1802:41Denis Murphy's/John Ryan Polka