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Lust for Blood

102:37Orgy in the Mausoleum
202:36Goblin Fire
302:16We Are Vampires
403:08Dead Girl
502:56Into the Crypt
603:39Mark of the Devil
702:15Scream and Scream Again
803:18Werewolf Queen
902:11Nun Vomit
1102:41She Said Goodbye
1204:59Graveyard Devourment
1304:55Waiting to Die
1402:55He Kills Night After Night
1502:52The Beckoning
1602:51Death Train
1701:43Lust for Blood
1802:56Witchcult '77
1902:06Oh Sherry (Creature of the Night)
2004:31Something Wicked This Way Comes