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Jon & Al: The Legolambs Musicals

102:55Conan the Barbarian: The Musical ("Crom!")
203:01Robocop: The Musical ("Murphy, It's You")
302:28Terminator 2: The Opera ("To Kill Someone Again")
402:51Rambo: The Musical ("You Not Expendable")
503:12Commando: The Musical ("Jenny and Me")
603:51Schindler's List: The Musical ("I Could Have Done More")
703:13Schindler's List: The Musical ("I Pardon You")
803:32Predator: The Musical ("If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It")
902:34Silence! The Musical ("Put the Fucking Lotion in the Basket")
1002:35Sean Connery: The Musical ("S With an H")
1104:25Rocky IV: The Musical ("Drago, Yo, You Killed Apollo")
1203:16Total Recall: The Musical ("The Mountains of Mars")
1303:31Fright Night: The Musical ("Amy, Awake!")
1403:14The Thing: The Musical ("I'm the Thing!")
1502:45Super Mario Bros.: The 8-Bit Opera ("It's a-Me, Mario")
1602:31The Help: The Musical ("Eat My Shit, Baby")
1703:47Batman and Robin: The Musical ("Batman, You Son of a Bitch")
1803:17Aliens: The Musical ("Far Away From LV426")
1902:09The Expendables: The Musical ("The Expendables!")
2002:08Liam Neeson: The Musical ("Neeson Season")
2102:49The Hobbit: The Musical ("There Must Be Three")
2203:13Die Hard: The Musical ("So, Mr. Mystery Guest")
2303:54War Horse: The Musical ("Walk On, Joey")
2403:30The Running Man / Hunger Games Musical Spectacular ("Fuck You, The Hunger Games")
2502:32I Fucked the Maid