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In Love with Nova Bossa

102:11You Are the Sunshine of My Life
202:59Falsa Baiana
302:48Sad to Belong
403:15I'll Never Fall in Love Again
502:48I Will
602:39So Nice (Samba de Verao)
704:12Tell Me
802:40Birthday Song
903:33Hulog NG Langit
1002:33Night and Day
1103:36Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
1203:11I'll Take Care of You
1303:32Warm Impressions
1402:22Só Em Teus Braços (Soh Ayng Teush Brah-Soos)
1602:36What a Wonderful World
1702:59Moro Na Roça (Moh-Roh-Nah Hoh-Sah)
1802:43Moro Na Roça (Festive dance mix)