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I Get a Kick Out of... Cole Porter

103:34Begin the Beguine
203:28I Get a Kick Out of You
302:38Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love)
403:32Just One of Those Things
502:57Anything Goes
603:40Night and Day
703:10What Is This Thing Called Love
804:08Don't Fence Me In
902:44You Do Something to Me
1003:36All Through the Night
1103:55Love for Sale
1202:59You've Got That Thing
1302:43You're the Top
1402:48Two Little Babies in the Wood
1502:45Miss Otis Regrets (She's Unable to Lunch Today)
1603:38Blow, Gabriel, Blow
1702:19The Laziest Gal in Town
1803:05Take Me to Manhattan
1902:33Let's Misbehave
2002:32I Happen to Like New York