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I Am the Wee Falorie Man: Folk Songs of Ireland

jeux videos - I Am the Wee Falorie Man: Folk Songs of Ireland
102:32Cruise of the Calabar
200:51As I Roved Out
301:00The Wee Falorie Man
402:42Rockin' the Cradle
500:54"B" for Barney
602:06All 'Round the Loney-O
701:00Green Gravel
801:22The Doffin' Mistress
901:32The Maid of Ballydoo
1000:51I Know My Love
1102:14The Dark-Eyed Gypsy
1201:21Will Ye Go, Lassie, Go?
1301:46'Tis Pretty to Be in Ballinderry
1401:02I'll Tell My Ma
1501:28I Wish I Was a Maid Again
1601:52The Gallant Forty-Twa
1702:00Early, Early All in the Spring
1801:58When I Was Single
1902:42The Irish Girl