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Heralds of Victory

102:24March: Manhattan
203:10Cornet Ensemble: Heralds Of Victory
303:52Song Arrangement: Lord of All Hopefulness
402:15Eb Horn Solo: Lord Make Calvary Real To Me
509:04Selection: Heritage of Freedom
603:10March: On the Kings Highway
702:00Song Arrangement: What A Friend
802:26Trombone Solo: Take Up Thy Cross
904:52Selection: Deep Passage
1003:31Prelude: My Jesus I Love Thee
1103:22March: Hillcrest
1202:18Trombone Solo: The Old Rugged Cross
1302:02Cornet Solo: Beautiful Christ
1405:23American Rhapsody
1502:12March: Golden Jubilee
1604:05Trombone Solo: I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
1705:09Climb Ev'ry Mountain
1806:12Tone Poem: A Psalm of Praise