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HeartSong America

101:49All the Pretty Little Horses (Hush-a-bye)
203:19Deep River
304:46Amazing Grace
404:46Shenandoah / How Can I Keep from Singing?
504:22Holy Manna / My Shepherd will Supply My Need
600:38Reprise - All the Pretty Little Horses
703:36Simple Gifts / Lakeland Air
804:29Let Us Break Bread / Jesus Loves Me / What a Friend We have
903:21Jerusalem My Happy Home (Land Of Rest) / Ash Grove / Spring Green
1005:15The Lone Wild Bird (Prospect) / How Great Thou Art / Pleading Savior
1100:38Reprise - All the Pretty Little Horses
1204:48There is a Balm in Gilead / Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen / Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
1304:12Were You There / Lonesome Valley
1404:05Wondrous Love
1503:59Morning Trumpet / Wade in the Water / Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
1600:22Reprise - All the Pretty Little Horses