album jeux videos

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Hear My Prayer (Choral Favourites)

112:08Hear My Prayer ("O for the wings of a dove"), hymn for soprano, chorus & organ or orchestra in G major
202:15Carol: A Tender Shoot
307:21Cantata No. 147, "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben," BWV 147 (BC A174) : Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring
403:45Ave verum Corpus, motet for chorus, strings & organ, K. 618
507:16I Saw the Lord, anthem for chorus & organ
606:28Ein deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem), for soprano, baritone, chorus & orchestra, Op. 45 : Ye Now are Sorrowful
703:53Sonata para organo con trompeta Real
804:42Crucifixus, for chorus & organ
906:39Jehova, quam multi sunt, sacred song for tenor, bass, chorus & continuo, Z. 135
1004:36Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace, for chorus & organ
1105:47Cantique de Jean Racine, for four part chorus & organ (or orchestra), Op. 11