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Gregorian Chant

100:48Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Hosanna
202:56Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Pueri Hebraeorum
305:40Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Cum Audisset
401:33Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Coeperunt Omnes
501:19Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Occurrunt Turbae
600:37Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Cum Angelis
702:52Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Antiphona: Ante Sex Dies
806:41Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Hymnus: Gloria, Laus Et Honor
903:12Chants for Palm Sunday. The Blessing and Procession of Palms. Responsorium: Ingredienta
1004:25Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Introitus: Domine, Ne Longe Facias
1107:48Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Graduale: Tenuisti Manum Dexteram
1215:36Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Tractus: Deus, Deus Meus
1303:22Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Offertorium: Improperium
1402:36Chants for Palm Sunday. Proper of Mass. Communio: Pater, Si Non Potest
1503:53Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Introitus: Resurrexi
1603:02Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Graduale: Haec Dies. Confitemini
1702:02Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Alleluia: Pascha Nostrum
1801:51Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Sequentia: Victimae Paschali Laudes
1901:25Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Offertorium: Terra Tremuit
2001:25Proper of the Mass for Easter Sunday. Communio: Pascha Nostrum