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Game & Sound: VGM Covers, Vol. X

103:25Title Theme (From "Cave Story")
203:19Butter Building (From "Kirby/Super Smash Bros. Brawl")
303:06Zelda's Lullaby (From "the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
403:07Mad Monster Mansion (From "Banjo-Kazooie")
503:30J-E-N-O-V-A (From "Final Fantasy VII")
603:11Transylvania (From "Ducktales")
703:15Overworld (From "Super Mario Bros. 2")
803:36Midnight Wandering (From "Metal Slug 3")
902:49Field of Hopes and Dreams (From "Deltarune")
1008:00An SNES Winter Medley