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Game & Sound: VGM Covers, Vol. 9

103:30Stickerbrush Symphony (From "Super Smash Bros. Brawl")
203:07Wandering Ghosts (From "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night")
303:12Special Stage (From "Sonic the Hedgehog 3")
403:18Ganondorf Battle (From "the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker")
503:32Gruntilda's Lair (From "Banjo-Kazooie")
603:21Shiveria Town (From "Super Mario Odyssey")
703:10Royal Raceway (From "Mario Kart 64")
803:21X vs Zero (From "Mega Man X5")
903:21Wicked Child (From "Castlevania")
1003:02Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (From "Dark Souls")