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Game & Sound: VGM Covers, Vol. 6

103:00Spark Man Stage (From "Mega Man III")
203:33Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia (From "Pokémon OR/AS")
303:21Lost Woods (From "the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
403:35Gloomy Manor (From "Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon")
503:10Spiral Mountain (From "Banjo-Kazooie")
603:22Lavender Town (From "Pokémon Red/Blue")
703:05Together We Ride (From "Fire Emblem")
803:21Scrap Brain Zone (From "Sonic the Hedgehog")
903:07Battle! Deoxys (From "Pokémon OR/AS")
1003:06Wing Cap Theme (From "Super Mario 64")