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For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night

109:15Memory Lain, Hugh / Headloss
304:06Surprise, Surprise
406:12C'thlu Thlu
505:56The Dog, the Dog, He's at It Again
606:33Be Alright / Chance of a Lifetime
710:04L'Auberge du Sanglier / A Hunting We Shall Go / Pengola / Backwards / A Hunting We Shall Go (reprise)
809:18Memory Lain, Hugh / Headloss (US mix)
905:10No! (?Be Alright?) / Waffle (?Chance of a Lifetime?)
1004:42He Who Smelt It Dealt It (?Memory Lain, Hugh?)
1103:15Surprise, Surprise
1210:59Derek's Long Thing