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Farewell - The Golden Jubilee Australian Farewell Tour 2013

102:59Come the Day
202:58I'll Never Find Another You
302:47A World of Our Own
402:34Love Is Kind, Love Is Wine
504:55The Water Is Wide
603:31When Will the Good Apples Fall?
702:38Silver Threads and Golden Needles
802:37The Olive Tree
902:53Morningtown Ride
1104:44I Am Australian
1202:49Someday, One Day
1303:20When the Stars Begin to Fall
1402:43You're My Spirit
1503:03Walk With Me
1603:47Guardian Angel/Guiding Light
1702:31Louisiana Man
1802:49Colours of My Life
1902:22Red Rubber Ball
2002:37Georgy Girl
2103:46Keep a Dream in Your Pocket
2203:42The Carnival Is Over