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Farewell My Home

101:43Rain on the Water
301:46T Model Ford
402:28Hartford's Waltz
503:17Farewell My Home
601:40Montana March
702:28Wild Fox
802:39Cherry Blossom Waltz
901:42Red Dog
1001:50Kate, Bride of Matt
1102:54Snow Camp
1202:08Wind Chimes and Nursery Rhymes
1301:49Going to the County Fair
1402:26Straw Dolls
1501:16Wade's Dixieliner Special Railroad Blues #9
1601:46My Mama Loves Me
1701:42Uncle Shorty
1801:08Johnny Come-A-Running
1901:33Trail of Tears
2002:14Dawson George
2102:08One Horned Goat
2203:18The Hangman's Song
2301:59Come Thy Fount of Every Blessing