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Emma's Hymns

102:41Come All Ye Saints of Zion
202:50O God, Our Help In Ages Past
303:36The Lord Into His Garden Comes
403:45When Restless on My Bed I Lie (Emma's Lullaby)
503:07Now We'll Sing With One Accord
604:57The Spirit of God
702:49Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
805:12I Know that my Redeemer Lives
902:38We are not Ashamed to Own Our Lord
1002:50O God, Our Help In Ages Past
1103:08Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
1201:50The Gallant Ship is Under Way
1302:41Come All Ye Saints of Zion
1401:47The Happy Day Has Rolled On
1503:43God is Love
1603:51Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
1702:52Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
1803:59Redeemer of Israel