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Earthy Delights

101:41Way In
204:34Keep Off The Grass
303:00Sybil The Leek
402:17One Duck Down
509:19A Whopping Great Hinkypunk
601:00Mr Hedgehog
700:36Three Fish In A Tree
805:13A Rude Vegetable Catches Its Reflection
904:14Bernie Worrell's Prize-Winning Courgette
1000:27Alpho Does An Oxley
1203:04Miniature Railway Excitement
1302:27Resurrection Of The Fly Lord
1402:00Sabbatic Goat's Cheese
1601:53Birdhouse Construction Fail
1703:36A Bad Day For Baphomet
1802:26Sweets At The Till
1901:17Way Out