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Duelling Yodellers

100:00Duelling Yodellers
200:00Those Old Tex Morton Blues
300:00Dandenong Yodel
400:00Snowy River Yodel
500:00Blue Mountain Yodel
600:00Yodel Sweet Molly
700:00Chicken Yodel
800:00Lullaby Yodel Song
900:00A Yodel Puts Everything Right
1000:00Demonstration Yodel.
1100:00Here's to the Aussie Yodellers.
1200:00Jingle Bell Yodel
1300:00Gambling Darkie
1400:00The Water Mill
1500:00The Shepherd's Yodel
1600:00Dan Dan the Yodelling Man
1700:00Shadows on the Trail
1800:00The Jingle Yodelling Song
1900:00I'm Gonna Ride to Heaven on a Streamlined Train
2000:00While I Was Making Love to You