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Drums Come From Africa

100:42Beat Communication (intro)
201:55Drums Come From Africa
302:03Stolen Land (The IMF vs. Africa)
402:08Turn Off the TV (Higher Life)
502:28Nigeroil (Delta's Rebel)
600:59Kalakuta (interlude)
702:20Herb From the Kingdom of Saba
801:42Me Against Myself (Constant Work)
901:39Afro Supa Soul Tune (Kofi Part3)
1001:45Somalian Pirates
1102:18Cops Oppression and Capitalist Propaganda
1201:38Yassa at the Fifth Floor
1302:01Tuff and Smooth
1402:04Ken Saro Wiwa (Ogoni Spirit)
1501:35Trees, Birds and Rivers (interlude)
1602:19Sunspash Theme
1701:40Lumumba & Sankara
1801:50Quetz in Afrosisa: Lo fi Tribulations
1901:25Yes He Can... Lie
2001:07Growing Plants (Life in Progress)
2101:34From Yoruba to Santeria (Lagos, La Habana)
2203:28Still in Search of the Muzik, (outro)