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Death Devout

102:31Excommunicate and Anathema (intro)
203:40Body Count (Morgoth Cover)
304:05And Here I Die... Satisfied (Grave Cover)
404:27Edible Autopsy (Cannibal Corpse Cover)
505:50Nightmare Lake (Cemetary Cover)
606:06For God Your Soul, for Me Your Flesh (Pungent Stench Cover)
703:40Inside the Torn Apart (Napalm Death Cover)
804:37Intoxicated (Obituary Cover)
903:10Lunatic of God's Creation (Deicide Cover)
1006:42World Eater (Bolt Thrower Cover)
1104:52The Invocation
1201:51Day of Suffering (Morbid Angel Cover)
1305:13Blessed Are the Sick / Leading the Rats (Morbid Angel Cover)
1411:08Bone Fragments (outro)